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Health benefits of Facial and whole Body steam


Benefits of Facial and whole body steam

When you break a sweat you just feel great. You have got your endorphins going you feel better. You look better.  If you are not able to get a work out in, try to find a steam room nearby . You just like and feel so much better after a sweat.

Benefits of Facial steam:-

Relief from cold and cough .

People who have dry skin get relief from steam.

Regular steam is Ramban Aushadh for asthmatic patients.

Have steam 3-4 times in a week and find glow on your face.  This is because steam removes dead skin.

One more benefit of having steam 3-4 times in a week is that it will remove all the dirt from skin and thus control the pimples.

After having steam do scrubbing . It will help  remove all the black heads.

Steam provides moisture to skin.  It gives you a  wrinkle free skin.

Steam clears all the dust from skin thus removing all the bacterias from it.

Benefits of using full  body steam :

What  a steam room can do for you?

Relieves inflammation and congestion of upper respiratory mucous membrane.

Soothens mind and body to relax stress and  all the muscles.

Increases body metabolism.

Helps to eliminate toxins.

Boosts your immune system.

Keeps mucous membrane from excessive drying.

It helps  relax stiff joints.

Increases blood flow and circulation.

Improves your complexion.

It helps in clearing the sinuses.

Aids in weight loss- due to extra sweat loss.  And will help even shed a few extra pounds of water weight.

After steam the  blood flows freely and easily through the whole body. It transporting oxygen everywhere you need , leaving you feeling refreshed.

So enjoy yourself and blow off some steam. With in no time you will be feeling more relaxed and reap  all the benefits of steam.

Tips :-

Steam for a minimum of 5 to 10  minutes for facials. For full body  steam it can be upto 30 minutes also. Better to put a wet cold towel on head or eyes. Also take sufficient fluids before going for full body steam.

Remember if you have severe acne or any serious skin condition please consult  your physician before going for home facial steam .


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Last Modified: November 27, 2016 08:37 AM
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benefits of facial steam benefits of steam benefits of whole body steam facial steam health benefits of steam steam steam at home steam for a beautiful body steam for a beautiful face whole body steam

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