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Home Treatment For Anaemia


Anemia in your body develops when your blood has less healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the main part of red blood cells (RBC) that binds the oxygen to cells . If you have less or bad/damaged red blood cells, or your haemoglobin (Hb) is not normal or low, the cells of your body will not get sufficient oxygen. The main symptoms of anemia is fatigue and tiredness , which occur when your body organs aren't getting enough oxygen which they need to function properly.

Anemia is the most common disease condition in India and world wide . Women and other people with many chronic diseases are at greater risk of anemia.

You can avoid or cure anaemia by following the simple diet at home as below:



·Use dry cereals fortified with Iron , Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid. 


·         ·Use beets in your salad/diet as they are rich in folic acid as well as many other nutrients such as fibres and Potassium.


·         ·Green leafy vegetables such as spinach contain lots of iron and folic acid.


·         ·Avoid ingesting Antacids because they decrease the absorption of iron and lead to anaemia.


·         ·Try to cook some of your foods in Iron pots/Karahi . It is proven that by doing it you can significantly increase the amount of iron in your foods.


·         ·Eating 2 to 3 apples a day can increase iron intake significantly.


·         ·Eat two citrus fruits daily.


·         ·Pomegranate is a fruit that is rich in iron and other minerals such as Calcium and Magnesium. Besides it also contains Vitamin C which helps to improve the absorption of dietary iron.


·         ·Dates are also a good source of dietary fibre and anti-oxidants. Their use is also show an increase in iron level in the body.


·         ·Eat foods rich in Vitamin C at the same time that you eat whole grains , spinach and legumes . This will increase absorption of the Iron from these foods in to your body.


·         ·If you drink coffee or tea , do so between meals rather than with meals . Caffeine in these beverages reduces the iron absorption from meals.



DO Remember: If you are vegetarian or have cut down on your intake of meats , milk and eggs , you are at greater risk of anaemia caused by nutritional deficiency. This is  because Iron from plant sources is not absorbed as well as iron from animal sources . Also B12 is found almost exclusively in animal foods. Be sure that you are getting adequate amounts of Iron and Vitamin B12 in your diet.


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Last Modified: February 10, 2015 12:02 AM
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